Johnny Flynn

Night and Day, Manchester on Fri 9th May 2008

However quaint Manchester's Night and Day Café seems, on the night of Friday May 9th, it was a squelchy, sweaty pit with ridiculously priced drinks. Not the most facilitating circumstances for a country/folk band to be enjoyed.

Johnny Flynn

It really says something about Johnny Flynn and co, then, that I was so reluctant to leave when the lights came on, revealing a troop of sweaty, but happy fans. Accompanied by two string players, and a drummer, Johnny Flynn played an hours set with effortless precision while still displaying emotion and tenderness (obviously helped by the intimate setting).

Not only were the songs played well but Johnny himself played a total of two... no three... no four instruments! (its hard to keep track of his many talents) Most of which he did while singing (we'll forgive him for not with the trumpet, though because of the apparent logistical difficulties). His other expertise lie in the banjo and the violin all played to an extremely high level.

Johnny Flynn

The other band members switched appropriately, one manning a guitar whenever Johnny wasn't playing one, the drummer even taking over the singing for most of one song as well. Johnny's sister sat to his right playing the flute for most of the show and provided some beautiful harmonies. The eclectic use of instruments from all of the members made the show interesting to watch and took the attention away from just Johnny as the front man. A feeling of the band being a real group effort was prominent and the music reflected this no end in its quality and clarity.

The song 'Tickle Me Pink' seemed to most please the crowd, along with the singles 'Leftovers', and 'The Box' which are both featuring on the upcoming debut album 'A Larum'. Over all, though, It's hard to point out highlights of a show that was unwaveringly, consistently impressive. Even those who aren't keen on the genre would still be blown away by how tight and clear it all was, and by the general display of overpowering talent spilling from the stage. And if no one else felt as strongly as I did, they at least can't deny it took their mind off the heat and the robbery of the Night and Day Café.

Johnny Flynn

article by: Robert Knowles

photos by: Bryn Russell

published: 14/05/2008 10:19


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