Thunderbox (Steven Seagal) / James 'Super Chikan' Johnson

Rock City, Nottingham on Tue 20th Feb 2007

Had I seen the name of the support act I would have expected a chicken costume, not unlike Michael Moore’s Corporate Crime Chicken Crackers from TV Nation. Happening upon the bloke a few songs in, James ‘Super Chikan’ Johnson is in fact a very gifted musician and songwriter from Mississippi, who as a child used to follow chickens and try to figure out what they were saying. Unusual you say? Well it gets better.

The guy "was recycling before we knew what recycling was"; his guitar is made out of an old ceiling fan (called a Guijo – gui(tar) and (ban)jo), and his past projects have included guitars made from gas cans, cigar boxes and my favourite; a toilet lid (the Shi-tar), each featuring intricate painted designs. These give a nice unique sound, heavily complimented by his extraordinary style of playing. Of course, the blues arpeggios can seem a little repetitive, but that’s what blues is all about isn’t it?

James 'Super Chikan' Johnson

He is quite the comedian too, telling stories of his past and family. The stereotypical sayings of “Somebody shoot dat thang!” are not funny the third time around, but you can not hold in the laughter when the guy starts speaking and singing as a chicken. Unique and utterly entertaining.

How do you follow that? Well maybe with a Hollywood star (that could be ex-Hollywood star, I haven’t seen many action films recently). Everyone’s favourite submarine Cook is here with this band, featuring another daft name. I don’t know whether to feel sorry for them or wonder if it is all tongue-in-cheek. Some people call them portable toilets; others (namely the Australians and my dad) call them thunderboxes.


Despite the in-apt name, Steven Seagal’s attempt at blues is very good. He has the advantage of a terrific backing band, featuring two guitars, six-string bass, drums, organ and a couple of the strongest and talented singers the Rock City has ever seen. And the big man himself sings!

I have difficulty adjusting to Seagal’s different dialects, some seem to be put on a little, and at times when he raises his big hands in the air waving like a hip hop master I want to turn away in shame. His guitar skills are grand though, with huge solos along to swinging beats and improvisation from the other musicians and vocalists. The crowd are invited to sing along with “Feet don’t fail me now” in the style of The Gap Band’s ‘Oops, Upside Ya Head’, and are soon helping out with songs about ditching crazy women, fighting and drinking.


‘Love Doctor’ and ‘Alligator Ace’ (both pretty much self-explanatory) are not really original numbers, but the strength and enthusiasm from the band make this more than a quick nosy at Seagal in a band, who by the way is minus much of his ponytail (it is now but a stub). I fear that the group do not have many tunes; as with the blues style again the songs are mammoth 12 minute extravaganzas, and I only counted a few before the showcasing trip around the band to flaunt each of their talents. But rightly so.

The encore this evening is......The Wild One’s ’Wild Thing’. Fitting eh? Seagal has removed his shirt to show off his biceps in a sleeveless number, and to sing in his Michigan drawl. After another lengthy song the show is over, along to the chants of what sounds like "Seagull, Seagull...". Maybe not worth the £26 for a ticket, but good to have something to tell the grandkids, the only recommendation I have is to think about a name change!

article by: Danielle Millea

photos by: Danielle Millea

published: 24/02/2007 15:52


sorry, we currently have no gigs listed for this act.