We Are Scientists

Birmingham Academy on Thu 6th Apr 2006

When you think about scientists, the first thing that comes to mind probably isn’t the rock’n’roll lifestyle. However, this is where this three piece band deviate from the norm.

We Are Scientists are one of the newest bands in this MTV generation. With their promos being played constantly on the big music channels, the people at this gig really fit into the stereotypical “MTV kid”: 16 years old; trendy; side-parted hair; converse shoes…I’m sure you know the kind I mean.

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The amazingly energetic support act, !Forward Russia!, really did a great job of getting the crowd going, and even before the main act of the night took to the stage, everyone was getting very rowdy. The show opened with front man Keith Murray entering the stage to strobe lighting and lightning sounds, and was soon joined by the rest of the band as they broke into their first song, ‘The Scene is Dead’.

The band seemed to enjoy talking to the audience, making jokes about how nobody likes to hear the new songs, despite the fact that the new songs they did play kept the crowd’s interest well. Most people in the venue seemed very familiar with the material on the set list, as they played everything from their debut album, ‘With Love And Squalor’.

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Ironically, as the band broke into the first track of the album, ‘Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt’, I saw two young girls running backwards out of the crowd, looking pretty shaken by the whole experience. Most of the audience looked pretty young, and overexcited, so it is no surprise really that someone got hurt.

The band closed with the hit that got them noticed in the first place, ‘The Great Escape’. I have been to a lot of concerts over the last few years, but I don’t recall ever seeing a room full of so many elated people as there was that night. This was clearly the song that everyone had been waiting for and the band delivered it amazingly. After the show when the lights came on, I couldn’t see a single person looking disappointed in the slightest.

article by: Bryn Russell

photos by: Bryn Russell

published: 11/04/2006 11:00

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