Hot Chip

Nottingham Rescue Rooms on Fri 13th Oct 2006

Like a keyboard clotheslining in an electro playground, Hot Chip stand lined-up before the Rescue Rooms crowd, ready to take ‘em down. With a light-show that’s like knightrider smashing through your front room and exploding in your face, tonight our favourite disco geeks are determined to grab Nottingham where it hurts and whip them up out of apathy and into a dance frenzy.

Things kick off positively as the crowd stomp and clap, ushering in early single ‘Boy From School’ with swaying and baying that can only mean they’re having a great time and loving every moment of it. The band – drummerless a la Depeche Mode in the 80s – dance and jut like flailing babies despite being protected by their awesome bank of keyboards, synths and drum machine that separates them from the crowd.

The middle of the set slumps somewhat, as the slower numbers like ‘Colours’ fail to kept he audience keen. Conversation rises above the music and for a moment it seems as if the show’s lost its momentum for good. But then along comes ‘Breakdown’ and suddenly everyone’s dancing again, despite being packed in like sardines, and it’s clear that when Hot Chip have it, they have it better than anyone else.

A wildly received encore of electro-work-out ‘Careful’ precursors the triumphantly delivered, totally utterly amazing ‘Over & Over’, a song that’s so captured the mainstreams imagination that it single handedly debases the entire set that’s played before it. It’s a brilliant ending and everyone goes home happy. Any questions?

article by: Alex Hoban

published: 15/10/2006 20:15


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