Taking to the stage first are Los Angles trio The Like, a very relaxed-looking bunch of young ladies. Sweet but strong vocals flow over quite complex songs, which look like they take little effort from the girls to perform. Frontwoman Z handles the varying pace of Tennessee's drumming well, while Charlottes basslines create their own melodies that fit in perfectly, especially with the effects washing over the guitar. Tracks from the debut album 'Are You Thinking What Im Thinking?' Are a beautiful collection of music, including stand out tracks 'What I Say And What I Mean' and 'June Gloom', despite the name being an upbeat track.
Having being able to withstand the sheer relaxed and chilled out set from The Like, I figured that the next band would be closer to the sound of the mighty Dinosaur Jr. And they are. Dead Meadow from Washington DC really rip your ears out and throw 'em down your neck. My ears feel like they are bleeding but still I can make out raw tunes, quite blusey with a bit of alternative rock. The three guys play mainly long instumental jams, with wailing guitars, powerful drumming and nearly funky bass, all covered in wonderful distortion.
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