Test Icicles

London Astoria on Sat 22nd Apr 2006

For thrash trio Sam, Dev and Rory, Test Icicles was a joke gone too far. Their abrasive metal-disco was supposed to be a dumb, loud rock project, doused in neon colours for the entertainment of a few ironic art school kids in the know.

So what the hell are they doing here, headlining the Astoria? Playing their last ever show to a fervent crowd of well wishers caught between feeling sad at this being the end of an era, whilst simultaneously thankful for it ever happening in the first place?

Behind the modest façade of stupidity, there were some great songs. ‘Circle Square Triangle’ is still a thrilling indie disco romper, and as it kicks off their short, sweet eulogy performance, the Astoria embraces the party one last time.

With each song leading closer to the inevitable self-destruct, momentum builds and as Test Icicles propel themselves around the stage amidst hyperactive stage-lights and huge balloons let loose above the crowd, for every cheer of elation there’s a squeak of swallowed sadness that this particular musical bastion is never going to set sail again.

Before a spleen-rupturingly loud ‘Your Biggest Mistake’, Rory’s younger brother and his suitably emo mate take the stage for a two-minute burst of grindcore thrash metal. As enthralling as it is unexpected, it’s testimony to them keeping the fission rock spirit alive, even in their dying moments.

“Goodbye forever!” screams Dev before every member of the Test Icicles entourage raids the stage for one last rendition of ‘Catch It!’, catapulting themselves around and smashing up the instruments on stage, destroying the Test Icicles monster once and for all.

As they leave the stage in ruins, Rory whispers, “Sorry we fucked it all up” before throwing the mic to the ground - officially Test Icicles’ last words. They may have left us before their time, but he couldn’t be more wrong. Test Icicles, through the feedback and the fever, you did it just right. R.I.P.

article by: Alex Hoban

published: 25/04/2006 11:27


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